Rational thought for irrational times. Shape a future based on reality, compassion, and secular courage
Dale McGowan
Members Public

The winds of an evolutionary mismatch

This is not the world we were meant for. We can fix that.

Adam Lee
Members Public

The benefit of disconnecting

We have more information than ever. Is it helping?

Dale McGowan
Members Public

There is no normal

These are not normal times. Then again, they never are.

Jonathan MS Pearce / Brendan Kelley
Members Public

The future of murder

A 'guided missile for the poor' is changing the face of targeted killing.

Jonathan Kassel
Members Public

The amazing fascist-adjacent coincidences of Elon Musk

The gods of coincidence are being cruel to this public servant.

Adam Lee
Members Public

Precision fermentation — feeding the planet with science?

The oldest biotechnology holds promise for the future of food.

Dale McGowan
Members Public

The words we'll need, and the words we won't

New realities will give birth to new lexicons.

Adam Lee
Members Public

An evergreen reminder: This too shall pass

There is comfort in impermanence.

Will Gervais
Members Public

How deep does ‘anti-woke’ opinion go among atheists?

As another dispute over 'wokeness' erupts in the atheist world, we revisit a unique study of atheist attitudes.

Dale McGowan
Members Public

Three visions of the year 3000

A quick look at the long run.

Dale McGowan
Members Public

You are one of the most important humans who have ever lived

It isn't the end of the world. But give it a minute.

Bruce Ledewitz
Members Public

Ross Douthat wants you to believe in God

The orderly universe is not the pro-God argument Douthat thinks it is.