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On Wednesday, a group of 150 death cult Christians in Moscow, Idaho showed up at City Hall to host a “Psalm Sing” — essentially, a worship service that was really just a chance for them to show up in a large crowd, reject social distancing, refuse to wear masks, get punished for it, then complain about how they’re being persecuted for their “religious freedom.”

That’s exactly how it played out. Look at all these COVID deniers:

Three people were arrested and five others were cited for violations of local COVID restrictions. Also in the crowd Wednesday was Pastor Doug Wilson, the Christian who held a massive, indoor, maskless service for over a thousand people in July.

The five mask order citations were the first given by Moscow police, [Moscow Police Chief James] Fry said. The mask order took effect in early July and states face coverings must be worn in indoor and outdoor public settings where 6-foot social distancing cannot be maintained with nonhousehold members.

Those who violate the order are subject to a misdemeanor, which carries a maximum punishment of six months in jail and a $1,000 fine.

Good on the cops. They took action here for the right reasons and only after plenty of warning.

One of the Christians who received a citation said, falsely, “I have a rap sheet…. For SINGING WORSHIP SONGS!” Another, who’s currently running as a Republican to become a Latah County Commissioner, said they arrested him because he was just at the edge of the crowd. Whatever their excuses, none of them deny being at this COVID spreading event disguised as a worship service.

These Christians don’t give a damn who they hurt. They are fully ignorant of the very real COVID threat that is still out there. They are the reasons we can’t go back to our normal lives. They’re the reasons other nations feel pity for our country right now; because the people who were willing to make temporary sacrifices earlier this year are at the mercy of these selfish Christians who want to prolong the pandemic in order to appease their God.

(Image via Facebook. Thanks to @realamasalyman for the link)

Hemant Mehta is the founder of, a YouTube creator, podcast co-host, and author of multiple books about atheism. He can be reached at @HemantMehta.

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