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Christian worship leader and MAGA cultist Sean Feucht, the Bethel Church-affiliated singer who has been hosting COVID super-spreader concerts around the country (disguised as spiritual revivals), is planning a massive event on New Year’s Eve.

The event will take place in Los Angeles, where the city just said it’s going into a three-week lockdown to save lives. While churches and protests are exempt from the stay-at-home requirements, the point is that the virus is out of control, and staying indoors with only your closest contacts is the best way to make sure people don’t overwhelm the health care system.

Not that Feucht cares. He’s spent the summer putting people at risk in the name of Jesus, and showing the world that being Christian is synonymous with selfishness and ignorance.

As if holding a NYE event wasn’t enough, he’s doing it in an area that includes thousands of homeless people, who are at far greater medical risk than the general population.

That location is less than half a mile away from the community of Skid Row, where an estimated 3,000 people sleep on the street since the pandemic struck, said Joey Aguilar, a program manager for Housing for Health, a division of Los Angeles County’s Department of Health Services.

To pastor Stephen “Cue” Jn-Marie, who founded The Row, or “The Church Without Walls” in Skid Row, there’s a “miseducation of the church” among those who believe they are being persecuted by health orders in place to limit the spread COVID-19, which has so far killed more than 260,000 people in the United States.

When people protest wearing masks that could potentially save lives, “we know that’s not God,” Jn-Marie said.

Not that Feucht cares. This is all one giant promotional campaign for his brand of Persecution Porn. Meanwhile, the Christians who live in the area and know the people there are urging Feucht to rethink his COVID for Christ tour… to no avail.

I’ve said this before, but if atheists tried to hurt as many Christians as Feucht is, it’d be considered a hate crime. It’s appalling that he’s able to get away with this just because of his faith.

Hemant Mehta is the founder of, a YouTube creator, podcast co-host, and author of multiple books about atheism. He can be reached at @HemantMehta.

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