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It looks like Gordon Klingenschmitt‘s colleagues in the Colorado House are finally realizing who the hell this guy is.

The right-wing extremist who constantly says awful things about anyone who’s not his brand of Christian may have jumped his own JesuShark when commenting on the brutal attack of a pregnant woman:

A pregnant Colorado woman had her baby cut from her womb on Wednesday during an alleged attack by a stranger who later took the dead infant to a hospital claiming that she had suffered a miscarriage, police said.

That’s fucking horrifying…

And then Klingenschmitt jumped in to offer his unwanted explanation of why it happened:

YouTube video

I wonder if there is prophetic significance to America today in that scripture. This is the curse of God upon America for our sin of not protecting innocent children in the womb and part of that curse for our rebellion against God as a nation is that our pregnant women are ripped open.

Everyone else in the House has been quick to denounce Klingenschmitt — it’s like he found a way to create bipartisan unity:

“It’s disgusting. I thought Gordon Klingenschmitt would be our next Todd Akin,” [El Paso County Republican Laura] Carno said Thursday. “I didn’t know he would be our next Westboro Baptist Church”…

“Rep. Klingenschmitt is politicizing a terrible human tragedy,” said Rep. Beth McCann, D-Denver. “The statement was incredibly insensitive to a family that has been through an unimaginable horrific experience.”

Rep. Polly Lawrence, R-Douglas County, said she was “appalled.”

“Gordon does not speak for his caucus,” said Lawrence, the House assistant minority leader.

Steve House, the new chairman of the state GOP, said Klingenschmitt under the First Amendment has the right to say what he wants but “he does not represent the Colorado Republican Party.”

“It’s probably time for him to step down,” [Former minority leader who used to represent Klingenschmitt’s district Mark] Waller said.

“I think this statement is reprehensible and disrespectful,” House Speaker Dickey Lee Hullinghorst, a Democrat, said in a statement. “Given the sensitive nature of the events, as well as respect for the victim and her family, I’m not going to comment any further.”

I’m surprised that anyone in the Colorado legislature is surprised. We all knew this was a man who had no ability to separate his ministry from his politics. We all knew of his habit to say despicable things. We all knew he had no business holding elected office.

It’s about time he’s held accountable for his bullshit. Klingenschmitt makes Phil Robertson sound like a saint.

(via Right Wing Watch, which brought Klingenschmitt’s awful comments to light)

Hemant Mehta is the founder of, a YouTube creator, podcast co-host, and author of multiple books about atheism. He can be reached at @HemantMehta.

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