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Dave Silverman, the spokesperson for American Atheists, is all over the media the past couple days.
A couple appearances stand out in particular:
He appeared on FOXNews yesterday to discuss the recent Utah Memorial Crosses. It took a while before he could get some words in opposite Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff but Dave nailed him toward the end (7:45 mark):

Dave also appeared in a Nightline webcast on the subject “Is Atheism A Positive Force in America?
(There’s Nightline for you: they know atheist-themed episodes generate way more hits to their website than other topics, so they’re going straight to the Internet with this one.)
Dave was informally debating Jeff Field, Communications Director for Bill Donohue‘s Catholic League. Field was completely out of his element:

This is what a good communicator can do — make our points strongly and cleanly without allowing the opponents’ crazy talk steer you off course. Dave responds to what they say but always brings it back to the points he wants to make.
Kudos to Dave for the strong showings. Here’s hoping we see more atheist spokespeople like him in the future.

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