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Mark Burns, the résumé-padding, culture war-obsessed MAGA cultist liar and Christian pastor now running for Congress in South Carolina’s 4th Congressional District, has decided to go all in on Christian Nationalism as he tries to elevate his profile heading into next year’s primaries.

The easiest way to do that? Calling for a theocracy.

… I’m excited about the growing movement, especially here in the 4th District of South Carolina, of people who are identifying themselves as just Christian conservatives, right? We’ve got to take it back to the gospel of Jesus Christ and I believe the people here in the 4th District of South Carolina are getting that. It’s not just about being Republicans. It’s about being a conservative Christian who believes this is a Christian nation, and any policy that is contrary to the word of God, we need to remove it from… mainstream America and make it illegal.

That’s a Christian-friendly way for Burns to say he’s not interested in representing Jews, Muslims, atheists, progressive Christians, or anyone else who doesn’t share his faith-based bigotry.

That’s a Christian-friendly way for Burns to say he wants to overturn marriage equality, ban abortion for rape victims, increase the use of the death penalty, make assault weapons readily accessible to adults, remove any kind of social safety net for people, and elevate the Bible over the Constitution. (His interpretation of the Bible only, of course.)

If any non-Christian candidate ever dared to say anything like this, it would be a dealbreaker for that person’s campaign. But because Burns represents Christian extremism, and because far too many pastors are too cowardly to rebuke his beliefs in front of their congregations, and because the Republican Party embraces this sort of anti-democratic Christian rhetoric, nothing of consequence will ever happen to Burns. He’ll just keep getting worse and worse.

The people who claim to love the Constitution are the same people who elevate the Bible above it. They have no business in public office. And if conservative Christians had any sort of ethical backbone, people like Mark Burns would have no business leading a church, either.

(via Right Wing Watch)

Hemant Mehta is the founder of, a YouTube creator, podcast co-host, and author of multiple books about atheism. He can be reached at @HemantMehta.

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