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This weekend saw the spread of a viral video in which a group of Christians on a plane began singing worship music mid-flight.

I just have a few questions for the Christians who decided to do this…

— Why?

— Who thought this would be a good idea?

— Why can’t any of you read the room?

— Seriously, why?

— Do you understand that some people prefer silence on a plane to nap, or to work, or to just get away from the annoying Christians who exist in all the other realms of their lives?

— Did none of you see the reaction of the bald guy? Because ALL OF US see him.

— Do you realize this music is not entertaining even off the plane?

— Where’s the emergency door?

— Was this plane heading straight to hell or were you taking a detour?

— What would your reaction be if non-Christians tried anything like this?

— What would your reaction be if Muslims simply announced on any flight, “Hi, we’re Muslims”?

— What does it say about the Christian message that you feel obligated to do this in front of a captive audience?

— Did you ask everyone for permission or just assume they all wanted to hear you because you live in a bubble?

— Do you understand now why people say Christian “persecution” is a myth?

— Why didn’t any of the other Christians on the plane do anything about this?

— Why do you think hijacking a plane for Jesus is okay but a rainbow flag in a classroom is too aggressive?

— Why did preacher Jack Jensz, Jr., who posted this video last week, caption it with “Jesus is taking over this Flight! ✈️🔥”?

— Why would you ever put a fire emoji next to a plane emoji?!

— Why hasn’t Kingdom Realm Ministries, which Jensz leads, issued any sort of apology for this? Or even offered an acknowledgment that this was their group?

— How much attention do you people need on a daily basis?

— Where’s that Wikipedia article for D.B. Cooper?

— Why did easyJet airlines allow this to happen?

— What kind of discount will the airline offer passengers on a future flight? Because they better be getting something.

— Why did a pilot “literally” introduce this group over the microphone?

— If the Christians who did this are so proud of themselves, why did some of the participants, like preacher Jonathan Neo, set their social media accounts to private?

— Why did Jensz not allow people to comment on this video?

Anyway, on behalf of atheists everywhere, thank you for making our jobs easier.

Hemant Mehta is the founder of, a YouTube creator, podcast co-host, and author of multiple books about atheism. He can be reached at @HemantMehta.

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