Jeana Jorgensen

Foxy Folklorist

Jeana Jorgensen studied folklore under Alan Dundes at the University of California, Berkeley, and went on to earn her PhD in folklore from Indiana University. She researches gender and sexuality in fairy tales and fairy-tale retellings, folk narrative more generally, body art, dance, sex education, and feminist/queer theory. Her blogging seeks to make academic research and concepts more broadly accessible, with a focus on not only bringing folklore to the broader public but also making claims about identity, narrative, and culture in an increasingly secular world.

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The folklore of tricks and tricksters

Reading Time: 4 minutes Ask a folklorist and you’ll get some of the history, but we’ll also go into how pranks and trickster figures in myth and folklore subvert the social order…in some cases just to circle back and uphold it. In other words, it’s complicated. Tricksters have been with us for a long time, populating myths, legends, and folktales. Greek myth gives us the trickster Hermes, who pulls one over on sun god…