Welcome to OnlySky

Journey into a future shaped by creativity, critical thought, and secular habits of mind. Help shape what’s next!

Tom Krattenmaker
Members Public

Don't ditch democracy to save the planet. Make it better

Before you envy China for their recent climate seriousness, consider the advantages of democratic decision making.

Phil Zuckerman
Members Public

Reducing crime in the coming years is easy—and we actually know how

Will the future include more or less violent crime? It depends on whether we rely on prayer, as many politicians are suggesting, or apply proven solutions.

Adam Lee
Members Public

The Splinternet: The balkanized future of cyberspace

Just when we are the most connected we've ever been, we're choosing to disconnect.

Dale McGowan
Members Public

How movies get our future wrong—and right

There's a lot we can't know about the future. But films should at least include the things we know for sure.

M L Clark
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Is AI art causing future shock or age-old economic anxiety?

The tech isn’t the problem. Our civic failure to grow along with it is.

Adam Lee
Members Public

Democracies fall. So do dictatorships.

The evidence is all around.

Dale McGowan
Members Public

The Shrinkening

For all the energy I put in, my input at the national level has come to nothing. What if I start thinking locally?

Lisa Jarrington
Members Public

What the movie Wicked can teach us about resisting Trump

What can the story of a con man, scapegoats, and a resistance possibly have to say about our future?

Bruce Ledewitz
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The rehabilitation of truth

You cannot build a secular civilization into the future without a kind of faith.

Captain Cassidy
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Why authoritarians love—and hate—an apology

One of the many things we can expect in the next four years is a lot of sputtering demands for apologies for the last four years.

Shawn Hardin / Dale McGowan
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Machines and meaning: AI's role in a humanist future

AI raises important questions about what it means to be human. It's time to have that conversation.

Dale McGowan
Members Public

The twist ending of history

On the strange, seductive lure of authoritarianism.